Doing Good Daily

Positive change in the world starts one deed at a time, one day at a time, one moment at a time. Blog posts on this page are about the things we can do in our daily lives that can help ourselves and others change for the better.
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Success Is Wonderful

You may think that is an arrogant statement.

Embrace life.
When GOD instructs me to(tells me to )I touch people to transfer HEALING ENERGIES to them...when they BELIEVE, HEALING Begins...


BEAUTIFUL SONGS...To me they bring...MELODIES of ANGELS to me they SING!


this is a poem called pride..

We must not forget

Someday we may be old or not in quite the shape we would like to be...and who is going to look after us and care about us?

Today my day is good

Today my day is good
Small buds of green where the sun has melted the snow and yes, spring is in the air...and I must get out of this corner of sadness and appreciate the new day...move on and turn the page...
Choosing faith in themselves and their dreams.
Faith will take you down many paths.

Don't be so down on yourself

Some times I feel like nothing goes the way "I feel" it should happen. It is very easy to get down on myself about even the littlest things that I have no power over. To be powerless can make you feel pretty small.


So silently, in my mind.... I say a prayer...

Truth and acceptance.

truth and acceptance

A Valentine From Leah

Love is the network which weaves our world together. It connects each of us with all of life. It sustains our breath, maintains our heart rhythm and fills our Being.
Loving Father, help me to overcome my sorrow and sadness
When somesone much different than yourself comes into your life, welcome that individual, they are there to teach 'YOU'

Good Day

Today I am thankful for... a daily reflection of the beauty of each day. :) Everyday can be a good day.
Looking to help support your troops and send them care packages??? Check out this Blog for more information on a platoon of soldiers now serving overseas in Afghanistan and how you can help!

North Korea, 2010

There are many reasons we should all be concerned about North Korea.....
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