Doing Good Daily

Positive change in the world starts one deed at a time, one day at a time, one moment at a time. Blog posts on this page are about the things we can do in our daily lives that can help ourselves and others change for the better.
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Thankyou. You know not what your words can do, keep blogging. You are all wonderful.

Keep moving

Albert Einstein said to his son Edward in 1935, "Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving." When times get ruff we must keep moving. Every day find one thing that motivates you and allow that one thing to get you through your day.
and I took out old black and white pictures of our Mom the other night and I cried, and I cried...

TATTOO ARTIST: Defeat 'or' Victory

When you can generate such a profound difference in another's life,

Raising money for Haiti!!!

I had this idea that if everyone gave a dollar and there are 350 million people in the united states that we could raise $350 million dollars in say one month.... In the first 12 days after the earthquake the dollar number is $438 million dollars for Haiti.... that is not just from the United States but from all over the world I don't know at the end of the month we might have reached a Billion or more... THANKS and hugs to everyone that gave... Paz y amor

Contemplating the After Effects

and i am contemplating
I think this was what the Sufis were talking about with the fellowship of all living beings. "In this spiritual conspiracy All are welcome, and all are loved. The door is always open."

Getting over it

becoming "other centered" takes focus

Text your donation to Haiti

I work for a Wireless Factory, I took this job for less pay and greater reward. Yesterday i worked with the Salvation Army to set up the ability for donors to text the word HAITI to 52000 and donate $10.00 on their cell phone bill.
The healing power of collective positive energy is another way in addition to our pocketbooks to help create mass healing in the wake of the Earthquake in Haiti
Different cultures, different religions, different appearances, different politics—it doesn’t matter. We’re all essentially the same. We have the same potential for goodness (and for evil). We have the potential for humility: Your opinion is as important to me as my own; maybe together we can figure this out. We have the potential for compassion: Your life is as important to me as my own; here, take my hand.

Words of Encouragement

Thoughts from our favorite luminaries can help to lighten the load we all bear, because we know that other people, some great souls, have shared our feelings and challenges, too.

Doing not so Good

Busted three days

adoptable cats

~These are abused cats that need a home~

adoptable dogs

~These are abused dogs that need a home~
Far more proactive than simply counting one's blessings, logging the miracles that happen is a way of celebrating the life-giving power of good will, of bringing in astonishment to bridge the corrosive sameness of daily life.

Some Questions

Some Questions to ask you and your family before you adopt.

Day Five


To hurt anyone unintentionally

Have you hurt anyone unintentionally?

Day Four

Barely squeaked by
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