Nancy Armstrong

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Words of Comfort at a Time of Loss
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 02/4/2010
- Inspirational Stories
John Kitsco, this one's for you.
December's Community Project
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 12/16/2009
- Doing Good Daily
What an experience, one I will never forget.
30 Going Green Tips
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 11/10/2009
- Going Green
Every little bit a step to help save the earth and save you money.
People Making a Difference - Dara O'Rourke Cautions Consumers
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 09/8/2009
- Going Green
In less than a year, O'Rourke and a team of scientists and engineers working out of an office in downtown San Francisco have analyzed the ingredients in more than 75,000 products. And they have rated them from 0 to 10 – with 10 being the best score – based on their environmental impact, as well as on health and social factors.
ConKerr Cancer - A Case For Smiles
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 07/11/2009
- Charity Work
ConKerr Cancer is blessed with a simple, clear mission – To make life brighter for children with life changing illnesses and injuries.
More Going Green Tips
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 07/8/2009
- Going Green
If you lose weight- can it help save the planet?
American Flag Project
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 06/30/2009
- Doing Good Daily
Decorate your place of business, your home, or your local nursing home with this wonderful July 4th project. It's a Great project for children, and a good community service project.
It is in Giving that we Receive
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 06/12/2009
- Doing Good Daily
We change the world, one person, one kindness, one deed at a time. It's not only about doing, it's about sharing ideas to make the world a better place.
Going Green Tips
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 06/12/2009
- Going Green
Think twice before hitting print- use scrap paper for notes and recycle what you don't use. If will save tree and water and money.
Loneliness is a Silent Wave of Despair in the Lives of many Americans today
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 05/28/2009
- Doing Good Daily
Unlike diseases such as Cancer, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s to name a few, I believe Loneliness is a disease that has not been addressed and needs to, not only among the elderly but among all Americans. My hope in portraying this story today, in this forum, on this site focused on change, is to make aware that we have the power, you and I, together we can cure this life impairing disease.
Cloth Napkins
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 05/28/2009
- Going Green
Each American uses an average of 2,200 napkins a year. If we all use just one less napkin a day, more than a billion pounds of napkins could be saved from landfills each year. That's enough napkins to fill the Empire State Building!
Wedding Favors
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 05/28/2009
- Charity Work
- Unrated
St. Jude Wedding Favors Enable Couples to say 'I do' to Fighting Childhood Cancer
Pizzeria to help with coat drive
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 05/27/2009
- Grapevine Heroes
- Unrated
Christopher Cusack getting help from a local Pizzeria, helping him to achieve his goal of collecting 517 additional coats for children in need to wear during the winter.
Memorial Day
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 05/26/2009
- Doing Good Daily
I just love this site, it has inspired me to do good for others.
How You Can Help End Childhood Hunger
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 05/25/2009
- Charity Work
Hold your own Bake Sale and put an end to childhood hunger!
Volunteer to Help for Hospice Care
- By Nancy Armstrong
- Published 03/8/2009
- Charity Work