We go about our daily lives and activity here in Canada and the
United States, for the most part leading fairly satisfactory lives,
with our food supply, standard of living and hope for the future.
And so many of us strive to Do Good Daily with our visits to
hospitals, nursing homes, sending supplies to Haiti, offering a
shoulder to families that have had a recent loss, supplying
blankets and many things to those who lost all in a fire. And the
list of good deeds goes on and on. Yes, for the most part we are
a fortunate lot.

But in a small nation overseas, North Korea, things are not
so very good. Our daughter was in South Korea in the l990's
and at that time there were many running around with machine
guns and much concern. It was in l990 pretty much that about
2 million people perished due to poor food distribution in
North Korea. And now, in 2010 Kim Jong 4 continues to place
much of his interest in the development of chemical production
sites, biological weapons sites and Uranium sites. And at this
writing the price of rice has jumped ten-fold. Some of the
people have already committed suicide because their savings
have been wiped out. Morning coffee is heading upwards to
$40 a cup if you add some ice-cream to go with it.  And by
taking money from the working and business class people
the term used is : strenthening the principle and order of
the socialist economic Management. Thats it, trade your
savings for a single vote. And some folks are simply taking
the worthless currency and throwing it into the ocean, before
they jump in.

Now what kind of country, leadership and management is that?
Folks in Pyonsyang (capital of North Korea) are frantic. Unlike
a natural disaster like the earthquake in Haiti - these problems
in North Korea are man-made problems. And the whole idea
of the currency adjustment is as Kim Jong 4 said: " To make
a great and glorious nation..." But at what cost?

Back here in Canada, we adjust our lifestyle, forego our
vacations and delay the purchase of a new vehicle. And we
pretty much try to look after the old, the sick and those who
need help, for whatever reason. Its bad enough that a natural
disaster takes such a toll - but to impose sanctions at the cost
of human lives, certainly sounds peculiar to me. And because
desperate people do desperate things, because of the build-up
of arms and equipment used for mass-destruction, we ought
certainly to be concerned.

The various Korean folks I know over here are good business
people and make good food....and I am sure they are just as
concerned. And rightfully so. The Chinese and so many nations
would love to help a country like North Korea, if the leaders
would only open the doors in a gracious way - then I might
believe that Kim Jong 4 is heading  in the direction of making
this a strong and glorious naton. Our prayers to the people of
North Korea in 2010.