Changing Behavior

In order to help others we must first become comfortable with ourselves. We believe we find the comfort in ourselves from helping others, but sometimes life gets more complicated than that. Blog posts in this section are all about how we can adjust our lives, our  mental attitudes, our routines, on a personal level, so that we can achieve greater levels of personal satisfaction and thus increase our ability to spread positivity.
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Change... Sometimes It Hurts So Good!

I'm realizing that change is a little like running. It's not something I always want to do, and it doesn't always feel good while I'm doing it, but the rewards are so sweet sometimes!

Today the World has a Sepia Hue

Today, the hue the the world is painted in is almost new. Like I've never quite seen it like this before. This is actuality with no interpretation from the mind. We are all slaves to our mind.

The Garbage Pile in the Mind

What is the nature of the body-mind-organism? What is the unconscious garbage piled up in the psyche? The unconscious is the world, conditioning, society. It's everything that molds, shapes, distorts actions. It's conditioning.
A: If you've decided to stay in the relationship then perhaps accept the drama or have a good conversation about how each of you would like things to proceed? S: I'm not accepting drama. Anyway, maybe I'll meet someone at grad school. Lol. A: Hopes in the future are completely futile. To me, the problem exists in your own thought process and not in that it's hard to find someone.

Insanity in the Full Moon Light

Yesterday I felt insane. Turns out it was a full moon. I couldn't stop eating. Why do I talk about the past?

~Thoughts of Tastes~ of The Past~

~So you can still get a taste of the past~

Voy a moverme a otra direccion

Buscando mejorar se mueve a la direccion

~Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed~

~we wonder where and how that particular phrase originated ~


~My sister and her husband live in a small town in Saskatchewan~


That beautiful song: Try to you remember that? Yet throughout our lives we often wish to forget as much as we wish to remember....

Dinosaur in College: online drive

I'm half way through my first online course and its better ...and worse, than I expected.

The Mind is Conflict

Gain, competition, comparison are all conflict. It is all created by the mind. The mind is conflict.

Free To Love

There are times, moments and events that occur in our lives that come and hurt/breaks our hearts! Things that we were expecting to happen that didn't. Sometimes these events cut so deep and take some time to heal! How are we to heal....

Resistencia al cambio

“Cambio es la unica constante.” ~Heraclito

Vacio -El mundial termino

"El dolor es inevitable. El Sufrimiento es optional." - Desconocido
The time and need have arrived, to embrace some of the values of past times - or face a future that makes the last depression look mild in comparison....


Every single day we seem to enounter some report somewhere about death. Murder. Suicide. Accidents. Do we still live by the biblical standard of an eye for an eye?

~Our Anniversary Part#2~

like collecting **treasures of beautiful sea shells* along the walk on the beach~The *Precious Walk of Life*~
When I believe I am strong, I can move mountains. When I believe I am weak, the weight of the world crushes me.
"Quien es mas tonto, el ninio que se asusta de la oscuridad , o el hombre que tiene miedo de la luz?" Maurice Freehill
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