Old Soul

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Why didnt you get it done when you first thought about it ?

Respecting The Old Folk~

People worked thier fingers to the bones~

~Are You The **THEY**?

I always wondered who **THEY** were

~Remembering *Mom* on* Mothers day~

Its sad ~ but its also wonderful to remember the fond memories~

~Problem Solved~It's Spring~

I feel the feeling of Spring~

~OhBeautiful Spring*

*Spring does awaken ones senses*

~Life is A Learning lesson At Times~

Having to tread the rough road isn't always a bad thing~

~JUst A Thought~

~To Be Content In Life~

Fight The Frigidity and make it Fun

The temperature is -22 with the wind chill of -33

~Wording* in changes in measurements~

~Pollination~Where are the bees?~

How will the Almond Trees get Pollinated b ?

The Power of Positive Thinking~

~A lot of the time ~ Feeling Under the weather is simply feeling depressed~

~First Impressions~

Never judge a Book By Its Cover~


Today~ It is a special holiday for couples~

~As We become Older~

As we become older~ one of the natural things that happen is *slowing Down*~

The old coal stove

Everything in life was pretty simple

~Trees ~In the Forest of Life~

I do think that we are all like a*Tree In The Forest Of Life*

Positive Remimiscence

I was remembering way back when i was just a little girl

Surviving The Cold~

*Its absolutely amazing how anything as tiny as a *Sparrow*can survive the cold weather*

~What Does The New Year Mean To You ?

~Just a few more days and we will be toasting the Precious New Year~2011

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