Doing Good Daily

Positive change in the world starts one deed at a time, one day at a time, one moment at a time. Blog posts on this page are about the things we can do in our daily lives that can help ourselves and others change for the better.
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Thankful for all the Abundance Prosperity for the Planet


The reward kindness brings is the lightness reflected in the eyes of the receiver, just knowing someone cares
I grew up learning "Treat others the way YOU want to be treated". Then when I grew up I learned, "Treat others the way THEY would like to be treated."

Gratitude Journal

With Gratitude I am Grateful for every breath I take

Be a good sport

And there are some folks in this world who basically want to win, at any cost. Would you call that being a good sport?

Creating A Vision Wall

A vision board is a great way to keep motivated & focussed on your goals & dreams. And they're fun to make!

HINI and new challenges for our world

Yes, I made the decision to line up today... and glad I did

Promise yourself

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

Time Management

Changing Behavior

Inspirational Quote

Charity work

Never let your ego take over the experience of your child and make positive out of every opportunity to grow as your kid's most important mentor!!

If you love me, feed my sheep.....

In gathering food for the needy, we take the focus off of ourselves and try to be like Jesus....trying to feed the multitudes with a little....

Why didn't I Think of That?

Do you ever feel silly, foolish, embarassed or guilty because you passed up a chance to help someone?

Para-medical tattooing and Age

When something goes not according to your plan in life, does age matter?

Exercise in Freedom

Institution of New Governments.

Compassion Movement

A world-wide effort: Charter for Compassion

Humbled for my Mission

I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. In order for me to be the giving person that I have become, it was necessary for me to be humbled first.
Doing good is contagious, after all.

Are we all so afraid?

....This is for all the lonely people..."
One Kindness at a Time.
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