Miss Fail

I have failed many times, over and over. But from these failures I've come to accept who I am and act out of that acceptance. I believe in failure because it helps us become better people.

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JK Rowling talks about her failure and how it has been the basis of her success.

Appreciate how you are feeling during your darkest deepest failure. Consider it a blessing. You need to fail. You need to feel failure. Days of failure are very precious. I call them “learning days”.

I think by now most of us know that those who set New Year’s Resolutions fail at keeping those resolutions. And most of the time they fail pretty quickly, even before the end of January. Don't feel bad...

That’s right, you heard me. Abraham Lincoln was a big fat failure. Huge. But that’s what made him such a big success.

5 reasons to be happy you failed

No one likes to fail. But sometimes it can be a good thing. 5 reasons to be glad you failed...

It's not because we are haters that we feel good when people fail...

How to find out about what you are failing in life by looking at what you teach others.

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