It's been a little over a month since my husband has left for his deployment to Afghanistan. I hear from him once a week or so and though I know he is doing good, every wife worries. To keep myself busy and to help forget about the worrying, I've taken it upon myself to start a project.
At first I thought it would be rather small, this project, but after getting some people in the community involved and then an article being posted in the local paper on the front page, I now have a feeling that it is going to be a rather large project with a huge undertaking.
4 Boxes for 4 Squads is a project I've started to send care packages to my husband's Platoon while he is deployed. Supporting 40 soldiers for twelve months, sending out four big boxes four times this year totaling in 16 boxes altogether, has become my goal for this year.
You could call it a New Year's Resolution, but I don't believe in them. I believe if there's something you should've been doing all along, to wait until January 1st to do it when you knowingly understand you should begin in the day you realized you should be doing it isn't sane.
So, as of December 9th when my husband left for Afghanistan, I wrote up a flier with all the donation items I was looking for and passed them out to my parents, my husband's parents, and some friends at church. From there it just grew. My mom's boss let me use her advertising space outside of the mall to tell the town they could donate to the troops and then an article was posted in the paper and it on the front page. No responses yet from most of these things done, but I'm not letting any of it bring me down.
Come April when it's time to send out the second set of four boxes, I'm sure I'll have more donations and more support. After all, bringing happiness by giving to those in need always lifts my spirits. It tells me I'm doing something right and that I'm not being a selfish person in the world, greedy for all things me. I think more people should be selfless. If everyone in the world were selfless, I doubt we'd have all the problems we have. Like war.
Okay, so here are the project deadlines:
January 11th, 2010 - DONE
April 11th, 2010
July 11th, 2010
October 11th, 2010
My work isn't done even though I've got three months until the next set of care packages will be packed up. I've got phone calls to make, people to talk to, and many other things to take care of all before those boxes can even be filled. I have some people on my side helping me out and I thank God for them, because without help I don't think I could do all that I'm doing.