In reading the blog of LVJack, "Why didn't I think of that?" He was asked to put a box with a sign on it to collect food for the local foodbank, it made me think of so many ways we can contribute to the Community Project this month.

Together we can help so many going through rough times right now, where food is not affordable for those out of work.

Here are a few ways in which we can make this project work. If the local food bank is not close to you, check your local place of worship, they usually collect at this time.

* Go to your local grocery store, if they don't have a big box in the front of the store with a sign to give to the local food bank, ask if you can put one there and offer to come in once/twice a week to collect and deliver it to the foodbank for them. It's a great project for a family to do. Teach the children well.

*Bring a box and set it up in your work place, sometimes your company will also make a monetary donation to the local food bank, only because YOU asked if they could. YOU just need to ask, YOU just need to put the box there. So simple.

*Have your child ask his teacher, "Can we put a box in the back of the classroom for all of us to bring in food for the hungry." "My Mom and Dad will come to pick it up in two weeks to bring to the food bank." Teach the children well.

*Every Brownie, Girlscout, Boyscout troop should be collecting as a troop project. Instead of going door to door to sell cookies, let us go door to door, along with a parent, collecting can goods, and food for the hungry. Teach the children well.

The point is, it's soooooo easy to collect food, WE just need more people that are willing to put out a box, WE need more people willing to give a few hours a week to collect and deliver. All it takes is YOU giving a few hours a week to help feed the less fortunate. When we have food, it's hard to imagine others don't, when we have healthcare we don't think of those without, when we have people in our life we don't think of the lonely.

It has been said here on blog4change over and over, how we need to take the focus off of ourselves and think of others. That is true happiness, to help others. So simple. Let's do it today. We ALL can help, together WE ALL can feed the hungry.

Anyone who has done something to help our community project can post here on how they did it.