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Positive Realizations Relevant to All
- By Kimberly Gomes
- Published 11/10/2009
- Changing Behavior
- Unrated
I've come to realize that not everyone in my life are as stable
contributors as I'd like, but that's life. People come and go, yet the
moments you have with those who are there, truly there are the moments you
remember. I've come to realize that life is short, but when you're
living right it doesn't seem that short at all because the doors keep
opening- rather we keep finding them, and we'll never stop searching for
those gateways to new things because staying stagnant is useless in
this life. It's not all about what you've done, who you've dated, what
you've seen or where you've gone, but the journey where you hit with each one
of those spots and the breathless moments where you love life more than
you've ever loved it before. I've come to realize its about the growth
in myself that evolves rather than the number on my paycheck. I've come
to realize that it's the people I would never expect to learn so much
from, yet those are the relationships that have become invaluable. I've come to realize
that it's okay to be afraid of the future, it's okay to fear change
because as humans we're drawn to security, comfort and stability but in
the end those three things will never be enough to Thrive. I want to
thrive. I've come to realize a lot of things, one of which is the more
I learn the less I'm sure of. I've come to realize it's okay to
question people and things, but when we fall into becoming so jaded that
it taints our potential for each day than we've sunk too deep in a bowl
of cynical pessimism. It's about finding the balance between curious and
naive and learning from the moments where being blind made you all too
aware of how things work in this world. I've come to realize that new
vision is priceless and self-shaping. I've come to realize sometimes I
feel so lost in this life, but I have a solid compass eternally strapped
tightly to my heart and know wherever I end up I'll be more than just okay-
I'll thrive.