Lucy Leblanc is quite extraordinary. After she lost her incredible husband Joe from Lung Cancer, Lucy decided to make some changes in her life. She travelled to the Amazon and spent time in the Jungle, made a journey to the Antarctic and upon her return determined to keep busy with various activities, but the one that surfaced to the top happened to be song writing. By good fortune of having taken part in songwriting seminars and various events, Lucy had Singer-songwriter Dan Hill compliment her on one of her tunes. Thereafter she found herself co-writing with the incredible blues artist John Pippus. From there it seems music just took with many
other singer-songwriters all over the world. You can read about Lucy on   or connect with her music on her Music Publishing site called Midnight- Mama- Music. Just seek it out on the internet and listen to some of the gems.

There is still a great opportunity for songwriters who get out there and are not afraid of the lights of Nashville. For all songwriters take careful note that if you start with some songwriter courses and seminars as Lucy did, the connections just seem to follow....
Recently Lucy was down in Nashville and I think before long we can look for some of  her co-written material on major radio stations.
Its all about believing in yourself!! Good fortune Lucy!!!