Maybe it was because his Dad encouraged him to
do what makes you happy? Maybe it was that
very first accordian he was given on his 6th birthday?

But in his early University years when Al heard
the group "The Knack" perform their hit song at
the time, called My Sharona - Weird Al just new
he would convert that song to My Bologna....and
perhaps after that, along with a record contract,
the rest is history.

It was that creative parody that worked wonders for Weird Al Yankovic over the years. Songs like
Another One Bites the Dust became - Another one
rides the bus. Beat it - became, Eat it.

Sadly Weird Al lost his Mom and Dad as a result
of Carbon Monoxide poisoning, from a fireplace...

Even after a tragic event, the world of music propelled Weird Al forward, and I believe it was
the late Curt Cobain who called Weird Al a genius
and that he is....