When spring comes our way and geese head north (they go south in the fall)its always amazing how they fly in that same old same old V formation. Like the wings on an airplane, the birds flap its wings and creates an uplift. Flying in the v formation the entire flock adds flying range moreso than if they flew on their own. If a goose gets out of the formation it experiences some drag and resistance. Then it goes back in formation. So basically it benefits from the birds in front of it. Perhaps if we had as much "goose sense" we would stay in formation with those who are heading in the same direction as we are. But not the case, we are only humans. Geese honk from behind to encourage those ahead. Again we could learn from that, but we don't. We are only humans and often prefer not to think about what we have said or are about to say. We could do well to learn from the goose. If a goose falls out of formation, gets injured, another goose will stay with the fallen goose until the goose is either able to fly or until the goose is dead. But we are only human, we sometimes do not like to stand by or protect those we should care about. So we need to remember the importance of being part of a team, sharing a common direction and trusting one another...that is...acting more like the common goose. But, we are human....