It seemed as though the earth shook this Dec 12,2011 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. And....
to quote a Paul Brandt song...".we didn't even see
the dust."

By good fortune I was lucky to win two free tickets
to this concert. A young man, from Calgary, Alberta. A world class performer. Someone who
really cares about the world, building homes for
the homeless, travelling to places like lend a hand. Fans love this man. And I see why.
Love appears in his songs. Songs about love and
family and caring. Songs about a world spinning so fast that many have stopped caring....and as Paul is only good if you give it away...

Could this be the gospel according to Paul Brandt?
Perhaps. And Paul, may you be "Alberta Bound"
all of your life....and it was perhaps a little bit of an earthquake that came to town....and again to quote Paul..."and we didn't even see the dust...."

And God Bless you...Paul Brandt & family....
My wife & I felt like we were visiting a small town when you put on this concert...partly about...
small towns and big dreams...songs about being
Alberta bound...

May good fortune continue to shine on you Paul!