To determine the success of Project Efficient Home (don't you love that!), I have created a system of points to be awarded or taken away for positive acts and negative acts.

The Good
+1 Point for every item I procure that is saved from the trash. This means that I did not pay for it.

+1 Point for non-pollutant, biodegradable, natural, organic, recycled, or locally manufactured items like food, toilet paper, and house cleaners and detergents, paints, etc.

+1 Point, after 6 months, for every item that I buy at a resale or garage sale, rather than new.

+1 Point for each pound of recyling a week

+1 Point for every day I post a blog

+1 Point for every resource I post in this blog

+1 Point for every comment to this blog that is not my own.

+1 point for every item that I resell or repurpose.

The Bad
-1 Point for every item I pay for that is not groceries in the first 6 months

-1 Point each, for items that are not non-pollutant, biodegradable, natural, organic, recycled, or locally manufactured , for any grocery or home improvement item that I buy. If an item can not logically qualify for one of these categories, a point does not need to be subtracted. For instance, you can't buy recycled food.

-1 Point for each pound of trash a week.

-1 Point for each day I do not post a blog.

-1 Point for each use of a harmful substance or product (on top of purchase).

-1 Point for each day I, or my fiance' uses the car

-1 Point for each day I break one of the rules

Can you think of anything else to award or take away points for?