The Love Dare, Day 2
Today's Dare:
In addition to saying nothing negative to your spouse again today, do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness.

This dare is much harder than Day 1. Although it would seem a simple enough thing to do, I received some bad news from my husband last night. I didn't realize things had already gone as bad as I found out late last night. After he came home from work, he got into a serious disscussion about our relationship, which he normally avoids. He told me that he was no longer in love with me the way he used to be and more than that he no longer loved me at all, just cared about me. It felt like my heart was going to shatter into millions of pieces. He said he has felt that way for months and has been trying to figure out how to get it back but hasn't come up with anything yet. He doesn't want a divorce but just isn't sure how to love me again.

As you can imagine this was not only a shocker but was nothign short of complete heartbreak for me. After a few hours of discussion and crying, we decided to sleep in seperate rooms of the house. We also decided that we wouldn't be spending much time together for the moment, that we'd give him some time to himself and then try to start treating our marriage the way we should have been all along. When we got married we were still thinking of ourselves as two individuals when that's not the case once married. We didn't treat each other with kindness and respect and we didn't treat us as a unit. We agreed that after a week or so of him thinking things through we'd start trying to work on things as a unit. I'm not sure how that'll work out yet but I guess we'll figure it out. I hope we do anyway.

Now back to today's dare.
It was hard not to say anything negative to my husband considering the night we'd had but I keep to the schedule and it called for an act of kindness. Jacob, my husband, normally works out Wednesday nights so I make him a pitcher of gatorade and had it in the fridge for when he got home. I also went to the store and picked up some needles and sewed up the hole in his work pants. I did a little cleaning around the house not excepting him home for hours still. Then the door opened, he didn't go work out this week. The gatorade was a wasted effort but it stil made me feel good that I did it. I'm not sure whether or not he'll end up noticing the pants for a while but it made me feel good to do small things for him instead of only thinking of what I wanted to get done. This is one of those moments when I realized that it truly is the little things in life that make life worth living.