DEAR FRIENDS -- Learning to unconditionally love and believe in yourself radically transforms your daily experience of life. As you open your eyes to your own beauty and complete validity, the long night of self-doubt and self-criticism vanishes- never to return. By warmly accepting all that is within you, you release your pain and sorrow and the sun of happiness rises in your soul. Faith and trust in yourself and your life free you from fear and worry, and the wonderful feeling dawns deep inside that you would rather be YOU than any other person who has ever been!
Your relationships with others heal and transform, as the positive energy you radiate naturally attracts the love and respect you are giving yourself.
As radical self-love and compassion guides you inward to express your buried feelings and free your life-force, you always become stronger and healthier physically. Learning to embrace every emotion- releasing the painful ones and celebrating the joyful ones- was the turning point in my complete recovery from a previously "incurable" disease. Self-love truly creates miracles in every level of your being!
Unconditional self-acceptance fills your heart with the greatest peace of all- peace with yourself. You can finally let go and live fully in the moment because you are no longer resisting your own body and your own spirit.
Radical self-love liberates an aliveness and well-being that keep growing, whatever the external challenges and conditions of your life may be. I can honestly say that in the thirty years since I began the work of completely loving and validating myself, at the core level every year has been happier and more free than the last. Rich or poor, married or divorced, externally succeeding or failing- my growing self-love keeps me inspired and empowered, whatever lessons and situations life offers me.
When you awaken and realize that all you REALLY need is to love and trust yourself, everything else becomes fuel for that journey. Reaching this state of grace is possible for every one of you!
Self-love is already within you, untainted and as pure as the day you were born. All the seed of love needs to transform you is your willingness to keep nurturing it. KEEP LOVING AND REACHING FOR YOURSELF! LOTS OF LOVE, BRYAN