Take some time and look at how much of your energy is tied up in beliefs. Often times we just think things are so because we believe they are. At one time we believed in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and St. Nick, then one day someone told us they didn't exist. I remember that day being one of mixed emotions. I was angry for being lied to, felt foolish for believing such a silly thing, and finally wondered why something so much fun was based upon a lie. What I didn't realize at the time is that all of those untrue beliefs rob us of our creative power and when we can release them all the energy we have invested in those beliefs comes back to us. What happens then is that we become more powerful as human beings. During our lifetime a series of events will happen that cause us to believe certian things about ourselves. Those with good parenting will believe they are smart, attractive, and can do anything they set their minds to. Those who are less fortunate sometimes believe they are unworthy, unhappy, and unlovable. None of these are true with out our agreement to them. This is how our reality is formed. If we can look at all of the beliefs we hold no differently then the Fairy Tales we were told as children then we can begin to see that they are not real at all. Further, in doing this, we can now start to discard the beliefs that are not serving us and then create a better reality for ourselves. It is impossible to create when we have energy going out in two driections, it nullifies our results. Bur, if we can get all our energy going in the right direction there is nothing that we are not capable of. The creative power with in you will become so strong and the results will show themselves so quickly it will astound you. We have all read books about manifesting and how to do it but we may be missing one key element which is how much of your energy is already tied up in old beliefs. Just adding new ones isn't enough. We need to clean up and look at what we are carrying around with us. If you believe you can't have or do something then somewhere along the line you agreed to that. That is a fairy tale because there is nothing you can't do or have once you believe you can. We are all creators, all gods, and all capable of great things.