Many of us go into meditation with an expectation, a question that needs answering, or a problem that needs solving. We also have a belief that we must sit in an upright position with a straight back and be totally uncomfortable in order to be the proper position. We wait for something to happen, for some kind of reward or confirmation that what we are wasting our time on is in fact not a waste. All of these things are the pitfalls of failed meditation. When you go into meditation you go to meet your higher self. It is important that you are very comfortable and at ease. Allow to come what may, thoughts, ideas, opinions and let the dialog flow between you and you. Don't judge what comes to mind and don't try to stop what comes either. Somewhere along the line someone told everyone they have to "quiet" the mind. This couldn't be more wrong. The more you try to deny an aspect or thought the stronger it becomes. I would best describe this meeting of oneself as developing a lasting friendship. Would you on the first meeting with a friend ask them to be quiet, tell them what they could talk about and do very little listening? I doubt it and if you did I doubt the friendship would go very well. Meeting yourself in meditation is no different. It is an open dialog and a getting to know of oneself. To know what is bothersome, what is important, what is needing to be addressed. Once you allow these things to be heard then you can open up the lines of communication to a much richer and deeper form. Everyone thinks they have to be different, that they have to change in order to be worthy and enlightened. This couldn't be more wrong. We all know in our dealings with people that the one thing that makes us at ease the most is when we know someone is being authentic. I didn't say perfect, I said authentic. How many times have you met a not so pleasant person who doesn't pretend to be pleasant and ended up enjoying them. But then I would ask how many times have met a not so pleasant person pretending to be pleasant and found yourself on guard or repelled by them. When a person owns who they are and isn't afraid to give that to the world you find that they are accepted and loved. So knowing these things I hope you "Can't Wait to Meditate", and can do so with a much more relaxed and easy approach. You will find you will have many experiences and learn some very important things about yourself. Be easy about it and make your own rules because their really are none.