I must admit, I quite enjoy being a participant at Blog4Change
alongside some very excellent writers. Some of you indeed have
the Passion, Patience and Persistence and have stayed the course, writing at different intervals about things that really
are meaningful to you or even offering advice and help to some
of the new kids on the block.

I had written some years ago for smaller newspapers, mostly
rural although had gotten paid quite well from a city newspaper
with a large circulation and that article was about the publishing
industry in Canada and its relationship to the U.S. industry.

Most of my joy and passion has ended up in Blog4Change
and I still find myself re-writing and re-doing many articles.
Trying to come up with often a new twist, a different direction
also trying to learn something in the process. And we do, all
of us, we write and we study and we learn. We offer hope. We
offer prayers. We offer suggestions and hopefully are open to
suggestions on our own blogs. Never perfect but sometimes
seeking perfection. We write because we need to. And the
comments and numbers of people we draw to our blog do indeed
represent a reward that cannot be matched by dollars. We are
certainly not selling and the readers know and understand that.
Although at times it seems we need to sell an idea, in a sense
to make it believeable and reliable. We write because we need to. And here we are, all of us, at Blog4Change, each of us aware
of the short-breath we may have in this life, aware that although
today is a good day, the next day may not be. We share the
passion, beg for patience and persevere.  We are bloggers.
And the good Lord willing we shall all see another day and
another blog.