Here we are, a weekend at the cottage. While my wife rakes up
deer droppings off some of our trails - and we made several of
them over the years- besides the animal trails, I re-stack some
of the logs cut for firewood. Some of the wood is split, some is not, and there are 14 inch and 16 inch pieces, a friendly mix of
spruce, birch and aspen. I notice the snow has not been kind to
our tool sheds, both roof tops have a new look, and some ice and snow sits beside my boat, hopefully I'll have time to work on this
year. Its large and heavy and needs some fiberglass repair.  So
I start a small fire in the firepit which is actually built of circular
cement blocks about four feet high. I fail to notice one block is loose and it falls on my foot. Ouch.  Now, that hurts and slows me down. It serves me right. Doesn't pay to be in a hurry. And on day two out here its overcast, a little cool in the morning, but the air is very fresh (up north here in Canada).My wife remarks:
"Aren't you glad we came out here, dear?" And doggie Sandy
wags her tail and has a look in her eyes as though she understood the question. Its too soon to dig the garden so I relax and read a little, meditate - my idea of meditation being - to plan for the new season. What trees to take down. What area needs work on the acreage.  My choice of reading material this weekend happens to be a book called: In Search of meaning, by
Hildemaru Deguchi. In the foreward of his book, the author writes: "In the very fact that I have been granted life on earth in this manner and moment, I have no doubt that I have some sort of task to complete here. By no means am I here to attain world glory and perform brilliant exploits..."

My wife reminds me that our doggie goes in for an operation in a few days, that is, for a knee operation. Sandy (our doggie) is just such a faithful companion. And I reply:" Okay - but I guess its going to be expensive..." No answer, guess that'll mean yes.

My thoughts and meditation now move towards the word Inventory. Taking inventory of our goals and accomplishments,
Inventory of what we have versus what we don't. Inventory of the few basic things we really need in life. And Deguchi writes:
"Fire flames upward, water flows downward..." and that reminds me, I better check on our fire in the firepit, so I limp over there.
And yes, its covered with a grill and protected. It burned all night. My foot is now red and swollen. I move slower...

The wind is picking up, the sky is blue in the west, small birds are dashing about, mother nature heals, and country music plays
quietly on the radio. Yes, spring is here.

"Yes dear, I finally respond, So glad we came out..."