Today my daughter decided to play a game of "chase."  It's a common game for her when she doesn't want to do something...her nap, for instance. 

While she was running from me, she slipped on the hardwood floors & fell, face first, into the corner of her armoire in her room.  Many tears later, I calmed her down, put on the boo boo cream & the band-aids, gave her some Tylenol & a cold pack.  She looked up at me, said "I feel better now, Mommy," and voluntarily went to bed.

Just like Genesis running from me, we often tend to run from God.  Why?  Why do we run? 

Fear?...Guilt?...Frustration?...Over-confidence?...  Anger?

It's different for everyone.  But, anyone who knows the Lord will most likely run back to Him. 

His loving arms & gentle acceptance are something that we will never find in this world.  Many tears later, He will use His miraculous blood to cleanse us & fix our spiritual boo boos.  He loves us, after all...even when we fall. 

There were times in my life when I ran from God...I didn't just casually walk away...I ran!  I didn't get into drugs or drinking...that wasn't my vice.  But, I had no desire to be involved with church or anything I had grown up believing in...I became numb.

My running was out of anger & bitterness. Things in my life did not go as "I" had planned them, and I blamed God.

But, I realized something huge...the longer I lived with anger & bitterness in my heart, I was not only hurting the Lord & those around me, but I was hurting myself too. 

Forgiveness is not only for those around you, but it is for your own soul as well. 

Eventually, I turned back to God & fell into His arms.  His love & forgiveness have left me running towards Him & His grace. 

When I'm at the gym, I'm running towards a be fit & healthy.

When I'm running towards Christ, I'm running towards the goal of being more like Him. 

Love...pure love. 

I realize that it is not "my" place in life to judge people...their lifestyles, their choices, their true place is only to love them like Christ loves me.  We are all human after all...all faulty in some way.  None of us will ever be perfect, and we need God's grace to cover that.

So, I'm turning in my anger, bitterness, judgment, as well as my spiritual running shoes.  And, tightening the laces on my physical ones!

Here's to my continuing journey...