My husbands relatives lived out on the farm~   years ago when our children were small~ We went out on weekends to visit a lot with my inlaws and always had a wonderful time...  One day as we were visiting the aunt wanted the children to see  how farm people lived , She asked the children  if they wanted to go and gather a few eggs   ~ They were absolutely and totally excited and took the little pail for the eggs and ran to the chicken coup which was right close by..
   So as usual.... the older folks talked and drank coffee..... while auntie prepared things in the kitchen .....and waited for the children to bring the eggs  into the house.... an hour went by and auntie and myself decided to see what they were doing  ... We walked into the chicken coup  ......  Here were the little city kids  *OUR Children*   with a long stick   .....squatting down and the little farm kids standing and laughting as hard as can be.  Auntie said quickly whats going on ?
   Our oldest daughter said seriously*   They told us we have to Jack up the chicken * to get the eggs  out    something like changing a tire  ~    Ohh my Gosh.....   Our daughter has never forgot that... as we laugh every time we talk about it  .....
 Sweet Innocence....