When my older brother came home from school cluthing his little lunch pail back in 1945   ..I would wait for him ...to hand it to me   ..and i would open it up.... and always find  ...that he had left something for me to eat...It was a surprise weather a crust from a sandwich or part of an apple... What a happy memory..
    In those days  the milkman delivered milk right to our door  ~ by doing that he had to empty the excess ice chunks ...    out of the milk bottle  crate..  which he did right on the front lawn ..each time  ..It was a tremendous treat in a very hot summer...
 We had a well in the back yard.... mom used to buy watkins  juice from the watkins dealers and make a nice orange drink for the kids  which we devoured as we came in from playing out in the yard.
 What a difference that cold delicious well water made..
 When i finally went to school   and was in grade two  .. everyone in school walked to the town hall and were each given a little brown bag with cod liver capsules to take home and to have for vitamins  for the winter.
 We carried them home so carefully  and we all felt so lucky to be able to have gotten them, As well as at the town hall.. at Christmas we marched down there regardless of the weather and all recieved a bag of  candy nuts and oranges ~Those... were all treasured times and treasured things  ~ Most people now a days.... have different priorities .........   Oh to be so fortunate to have experienced such  fond memories of the simplest of things,,,