So, this is a "do over" of my first blog entry!  Lesson learned.  My first blog entry was full of (well, sorta full) of pleas to any readers not to find my efforts at "doing good" too hokey or corny.  Note to self: get over it.  This blog will be what ever it turns out to be.  I will do my daily best to "do good" and to have the daily discipline to write about it.  Writing makes it indelible in my mind.   This is not a self centered blog tooting my horn.  It's gonna sound that way.  I'm really doing this to develop a habit of doing good.  I believe that conscious thought and writing about doing good will build this long dormant muscle in me.  So here goes!

The first "good deed":
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Shopping at Target.  I really thought the holiday distracted rush would be over by now.  Not so much.  As I waited in checkout, someone knocked down a whole stack of sale papers which immediately scattered as if in a hurricane.  As the line progressed, no one made an attempt to pick them up, just walking around them, and, I assume, waiting for store personnel to clean up.  I picked all the papers up on  my way out.  (And I think the checkout clerk noticed and appreciated!) 

I know, sounds hokey.  Hey, remember, I'm a rookie and this is the first.