Can't you feel it? Don't you sense that Air of Excitement, related to God's Miraculous Workings (globally at this time)  for Those that Love Him,  and for Those who Know Him Not!  2009 was the Darkest year of my life,  that would turn out  for me to Illuminate the Power of The Holy Spirit! It would solidify the Trust I have in God and that Obedience brings Blessings and Abundance(of that which I Needed Most!) It would remind me that no matter what the Tragedy nor Circumstance which existed,  He was Walking by my side and Carrying Me when I couldn't...Bringing me out of the darkness and into the Light!  He would faithfully take the Ugliest Experience of My Life and Strengthen, Convict and Free Me!
During this time and despite the bleak prognosis, I was Becoming Filled with Overwhelming Feelings about Miraculous occurrences! Understanding that so Many had suffered in 2009 the Greatest Disasters of their Lives. Many were Only around because of Experiencing a Miracle,  and they readily Shared this with Others,  to remind them what was trully important in Life! Love, Family, True Friends and Of Course other words The Relationships in Our Lives! The Love, Loyalty and Understanding that is Born out of those relations would Inspire, Encourage and Promote Persistence. Obviously to Accomplish Change in one's situation, is much easier when You have the Support of those you Love! As much as Loving oneself and being Confident in what you are capable of,  must come from within... there's much to be said of others recognizing it in you and Offering their Support...kinda like the icing on the cake!
I'll leave you with One of the first Miracles I heard of this year's end, that illustrated those Feelings of the 'Miraculous To Come! Somewhere in Western Europe(I think?)on Christmas Eve, a Mother died in Labour. Upon her Death her Son was Born, NOT BREATHING! Instead of the Tragedy that occurred being their final Earthly Experience...the Miraculous happened...God Breathed Life back into the Both of them! So I know Many of you NEED a MIRACLE in your own LIVES...Go ahead, DO NOT BE AFRAID to ask for one! Have the Courage to ask what may seem Impossible and Remember...With GOD, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!  In fact, I Feel that Performing Miracles for US brings a Special Joy to His HEART! And Godspeed in 2010 - THE YEAR OF THE MIRACULOUS + + +