Weight. It seems like a scary word to most, you don't want to look at yours or deal with it. You say you will deal with it, but you never do. Sound familiar? This is a common problem with more than 1/2 of America, but don't you worry. This year things are going to be different. To start try these tips: -When eating carbs, sugary treats, beer or wine, have it in small amounts -Never say never. Its hard to not eat your favorite foods, nobody is saying it is easy, but telling yourself you will never eat out or eat that again will end up in failure, when you get to the weight you want, you will end up gaining it all back, so if your friend invites you to your favorite buffet, say yes, just don't go crazy, try having a smaller portion and replacing regular soda or wine with some diet soda. Now don't eat out or unhealthy every night but allow yourself to eat what you want a few times a week and it won't make you gain 100 pounds, i promise in fact you will probably lose the exact same amount as you would have anyway. -Be active, be active, be active. did i mention to BE ACTIVE?! it is so important that you stay active. Do something as simple as a bike ride or a jog for 20 minutes 5 times a week or go to the gym for 1 hour 3 times a week and you will be all set. This seems like the most common new years resolution and this is my first one i am taking a look at under a magnifying glass. I will also look at others and Chase I will be taking care of your resolution soon. Keep posting because your new years resolution can be made anytime in the new year and why wait another year after this ends. Soon the blog can become Keeping your Resolutions.