Keeping a New Year's Resolution can be one of the hardest things we do because you must examine yourself and then make a change. This step cannot be skipped. One of the most important things is you must examine what you want to change and why you haven't already. Lets say your resolution is to lose weight, why are you over the weight you aspire to be, do you eat excessively, unhealthy or are you not active enough? Do that as your first step, then make a plan to the extent that fits you: If you are someone who says you will do something and does it then just say i will eat healthier. If you need to push yourself more than that, here are a few options that can get you started: -ask a friend/family member to take this resolution with you and push each other to do better -make a written plan (e.g calender, written promise, etc.) and hang it somewhere you look often, if you have it mapped out for you, it is easier to stay on track -Don't quit cold turkey!!! don't say i can never have anything that isn't healthy, give yourself 3 treats the first few weeks, 2 the next few weeks, then 1, then none, slowly take it away or always give yourself 1 or 2 treats (unless you are trying to quit a habit, eventually you have to say no more) Leave comments of your resolutions and I will do my best to give you advice in future posts, plus i will make posts that target common resolutions like weight loss, quitting smoking, etc. I hope you enjoy this first post and helps you somewhat, remember to leave your comments. Thanks