Their have been times in my life, like I'm sure there have been for most of you, where you unintentionally deeply hurt someone that your 'Soul was so Swept Away with', someone whom from  the first instantaneous moment your eyes met, there was a seemingly deep connection based on a long familiarity, even though it was the very first time you laid eyes on each other! But the experiences of life til' then and destructive habits picked up along the way...would inevitably push away the best person in your life! Do you ever think of that person once in awhile and wonder if they Forgave you, wonder if they know that you truly did Love them and did not want the outcome that came to be! Were you ever a person on the receiving end of such a type of tragedy? These are more Shakespearean type of tragedies! Human Love Tragedies! Have you thought of that person once in awhile and let go of your anger and Forgave them? There are many Crossroads in Life and sometimes the Right Pairing of People turn up at the wrong Crossroad...and sometimes, just sometimes, those right people have a Second Chance and meet up in the future at the Right Crossroad! Just like sometimes the wrong people come at the right time and derail Destiny! But God's Will is above all things PATIENT! So if there is someone you once Loved and they hurt you, Forgive them, if you happen to still Love them, well pray for A Fairytale Ending;they do happen! And if there is someone you loved in your past and you hurt them, make sure you pray for forgiveness and that you learn from your sin! And if you happen to still Love them, well then Pray for Divine Intervention and Reconciliation! People are sometimes 'tragically human' and do undeserving, unrighteous harm to those they love but Forgiveness Changes Lives, just like Kindness does, each act of forgiveness releases another Soul from guilt and bondage and the forgiver from anger, hatred and resentment! So the extension of Love, Forgiveness and Reconciliation Benefits All of God's Citizens in this Earthly World!