I have recently become aware that I do not share all the blessings I have in my life.  Maybe it's because I will think others will judge me as corny or somewhat ditzy, but I am aware that I carry it around so grateful, but like I cannot share it.  Many times I am driving my daily commute, in the beautiful hill country of Austin, Texas and see awesome sunrises and glorious sunsets, and well up with tears of gratitude for all that I have in my life.  I now want this sharing with others.  Maybe it's the holiday season that has me be inspired, but I know that so many of us out there have so much to be grateful for, and yet all we hear on the news is murder,theft,  poverty, the economy and war.  No wonder some people cannot get past being depressed.  No wonder so many think "Bah Humbug! What is there to be so happy about anyway"? I say that we all have so much in our lives that we don't get present to, but if we did, we would see our world as miraculous, joyful, and profoundly exciting! So I invite you to please share your joy and the miracles that show up in your life or the lives of people in your community.