NOW SEEMS TO ME THAT THIS IS A PICTURE MISSING FROM MANY OF OUR LIVES! THERE IS NO DOWN TIME ANYMORE/IT IS A 24-7 SOCIETY MORE THAN MOST WOULD LIKE TO BELEIVE. For the 24-7 does not just go into the corporate and business worlds but extends into our households, our homes, our 24-7 for fabulous food, laundry in an hour, rooms cleaned while you're out...our homes have essentially had to turn into hotels to accomodate to our UBER FAST, OVER-SCHEDULED, TRAGICALLY BUSY lives. I think of all the people I know, including myself, and discover that we all have the same dilemma. The will is there but the hours simply are not! That many of us are often setting ourselves up for disappointment when we cannot accomplish all the goals we set out to do for that day. Then we experience guilt at our failure and ultimately feel as if we are letting down those we love! The working single mom who couldn't say no to the extra work that needed to go home with her, for fear of loosing her job;knowing that doing so would cancel the plans she was so looking forward to with her youngest daughter! The working father, completely devoted to his family, who has 2 jobs, never gets to see his wife and children and still cannot get all the bills paid! The stay home mom whose job truly is around the clock and would love to do more things with her children but is so often so busy doing things for them! The complexities of today's society has taken away our time to which ever manner we do that...but as a society we are not following good's almost as if taking time off has become criminal;instead of there being co-operative efforts between the employer and employees for the betterment of our relationships;personal, work or societal! True there are corps and co's which have recognized the necessity of keeping one's employees content and that the fair treatment of them is directly linked to productivity and profit. They implement daycare programmes, have gyms installed and have changed to nutrional menus in their cafeterias. These are the same companies which work out scheduling in order to accomodate to the various needs of their employees and they are to be commended! However the majority of Canadians do not have job security anymore and so it is easy for employers to demand of them, most of all demand their time;time which should be reserved to spend with the people they most desire, doing the things they most wish, thus bringing them much joy and translating into more productive members of society! Doesn't it disturb you how people have to work so much harder and longer for so much less! How spending time with your precious children, going out with an old friend and catching up over coffee, a romantic picnic lunch on the beach with your Soulmate, or just some down time to do whatever your hearts desire...even to be the part of life that really counts and is important to the emotional well-being of society! I challenge you all to re-arrange your schedules, which will certainly require taking some things out that you may feel will not be possible. Trust me, anything is possible when you are committed to making the change! Instead, choose that time for what is most precious to you and I guarantee you'll be walking into the office/or wherever you're employed, refreshed and an example of happiness to others because when those doors close and your job is done for the have made time for later to fill yourself up with the LOVE that surrounds you! It's a win/win situation! For you will be walking into your home with that same attitude and will feel grateful for the treasures the SOULS that share your life with you are!The Moral of this story is that you can work like a horse and miss countless of irritrevable hours spent with those you love most, doing what you love most to can never get those hours back! TIME WAITS FOR NOONE! or second option; BALANCE!...RUN OUT AND CAPTURE IT, PUT THE BALANCE BACK INTO YOUR LIVES...No matter how dire the situation...CHANGING YOUR LIFESTYLES TO BRING HAPPINESS TO YOUR LIVES WILL BE WELL WORTH IT...There are so many creative and unconventional ways to do that...THOSE THAT LOVE YOU THE MOST, WILL THANK YOU FOR IT AND WELL YOU'LL FINALLY BE ABLE TO GIVE YOURSELF THAT 'WELL DESERVED AND LONG TIME COMING' PAT ON THE BACK...For a job truly well done!