The Present
By Rebecca H
Published on 10/28/2009
You know, as we get older, we remember more of our past and tend to glorify it, remembering the glory days so to speak...

The Present

    You know, as we get older, we remember more of our past and tend to glorify it, remembering the glory days so to speak.  But there is life after the glory days.  We remember the life we had before and how much fun we had then.  But as with all things, those fun times have to end.  We are no longer children and we must face the responsibilities of the consequences of our “glory days”.  This can come in a variety of ways.  Perhaps we got into trouble with the law and we have pay for that by putting that life behind us among other things.   Or perhaps we simply have to start our lives over and forget the past.  Either way, the path is not easy.  No one ever said growing up would be easy.  But it can be done.  People have been doing it for centuries.  We need to remember that while we had fun at one time in our lives, it happened in the past.  Leave it there and move on.  Forget the “fair-weather friends” you once had in your glory days.  They’ll serve you no good in your new life.  Someone once emailed me something very interesting that I’d like to share with you…
“The past is history.  The future’s a mystery.  Today is a gift.  That’s why they call it The Present.”
The author is anonymous but the message is clear…Forget the past, live for today, and let the future unfold itself as we move through life.
So I leave this message with you, my friend.  Live wisely and share The Present with anyone you like as long as it’s with as many people as possible because is really is a gift..

~~Rebecca Herring
June 29, 2008