Looking for Love
By John Kitsco
Published on 05/19/2012
Surprising how often I heard how people have it all, well almost- now, if only they could find someone to share it with?!

I was looking through a small country newspaper the other day. I have a fondness for these little  rags as they are called. Just a few stories but something special about a little country newspaper.
Anyways, towards the back of this paper, a picture
caught my attention (girls tend to catch my attention)-it was actually an ad of someone seeking a life partner. This lady had achieved financial success, owned her own home - but gosh, something was missing! Hmm

You know, when you hear folks equate success with monetary goals you feel like asking - but are you happy? What of love. What is it?

And often it takes time, sometimes an entire lifetime to find a life mate. To find a true love....
Success needs love to truly be called success.

Perhaps you have a degree, and you strive to measure your success with how much coin is in your bank, or with your reputation. Yet, like that gal running the ad, an emptiness lurks? So you find out its not quantity, its about quality. Are you happy you ask yourself, living the good life? And does that in itself make life good? Are we honest with our friends? Do we base success on how fast things get done, how efficiently?

Well guess what!! - along comes love, and throws a curve ball at you. Out the door with efficiency. Suddenly living well becomes loving well. Whats up the road afterwards is what we make it - and yes its worth fighting for, dreaming and hoping for. Love. True love. Better still, life and love, make such a great couple....