By John Kitsco
Published on 04/23/2012
You want to try something different? Well, don't wait for a specialty restaurant to prepare it for you - get brave, try shopping for a few exotic items and a reliable recipe book and you just might be surprised what could come out of your kitchen....

The idea of going shopping can change if you were to find yourself -for example -in a store that carried plenty of interesting products from Asia, or Japan,
or India, or the middle east.

We came home from the cottage and discovered our daughter prepared what looked pretty straight forward, rice, sausages and...wait a minute...some very unique eggplant Istanbul? Not bad at all! So there we are, some turkish recipe...hmmmm.....
definitely want to have that one again. I know I like spaghetti and in general go pretty nuts for Italian food, but equally love the simplicity of Ukranian
cabbage rolls, and especially the beet soup with sour cream. Dutch cookies? Yes!  Pickled eggs from Poland? Absolutely! And Chinese food with
chicken fried rice and spare ribs...yes!

And with meals like the above if there is a favourite it could be any of the aforementioned....but something about having something special just once in a while makes it worth waiting for and in the meantime if you are like me, that combination of mashed potatoes, pork chops with gravy, some diced carrots and a nice salad...pretty traditional...
at least so I thought, but these days salad might include not only mushrooms but some colorful flowers, and our taste buds wait for something special ...and virtually anyone can do a little careful shopping and come up with some worldly wonders to grace your table at the dinner hour.

Whats that? Do I want more Eggplant Istanbul?