Jake Thackray (27 Feb. 1938 -24 Dec. 2002)
By John Kitsco
Published on 03/26/2012
Let me take you on a little journey into the life and times of Jake Thackray, dear reader, such that his uniqueness will not be forgotten.....

Good evening reader: Maybe you are a bit of a night-owl and are still up and about. Would you do me a little favour? And yes, I am speaking to you.... I want you to go to you tube or somewhere on the internet or even phone your local radio station and try to hear a song by the late Jake Thackray. That is only part of your assignment. Once you have completed the assigment, that is, you have heard some music by Jake Thackray, come back to this blog page and give me a few comments of what you think. Why would I ask you to do that? To listen to comedy songs by an English songwriter-singer-poet? Well, just if for no other reason that you have become familiar with someone sadly unique who can easily be forgotten. And you may not like the material, you may even start thinking I have flipped my lid asking you to listen. You see, like many things in life - the songs are not for everyone, and yet, if you listen with your heart you may find some gems. But you must carefully listen for them. Satirical. Bawdy. Sentimental. Yes and even pastoral at times.... John Philip(Jake)Thackray could have gone into the priesthood,he was an English teacher in France. Jake was influenced by Jacque Brel and Randy Newman, his work was compared to Noel Coward. He was not overly popular at first and after appearing on the BBC in l968 there were some letters asking for his dismissal. After a few albums and some success, he eventually was plagued by self doubt and a breakdown in confidence, his bawdy humour was being considered sexist, and he gave up performing in the l990's, had a drinking problem, was declared bankrupt in the year 2000 and died of heart failure the day before Christmas in 2002,having earlier separated from his wife. Life can be difficult and life can be sad, but I have a gut feeling that Jake Thackray has left us some real gems in his music, if we really take the time to listen with our heart. Can you do that simple favour for me, and have a listen to Jake Thackray?