The Spiritual Path
By Robird's Words
Published on 02/24/2012
Everyone has their own idea of the "right" path you should take when it comes to spirituality. I can tell you there is one destination in the end, but many different ways to get there.

I can remember like it was yesterday when I made this huge discovery that reality was created by ourselves. I wanted to tell everyone I knew the news and I soon learned that that was old news. I wanted to let all my friends know that going to church was a waste of time and that all they needed to do was to use their own intent to create the life they were wanting. Well that wasn't met with too much appreciation. I wasn't at all honoring of their path and I thought they should get on my path. This is the destination I am refering to. When you gain the understanding that each person has a right to follow their own guidance and you can respect that and allow that then you are on your way to reaching the desintation you are so desparately seeking. When you no longer need another to think as you do and do as you do then you are almost there. Sounds simple doesn't it? Well it's not, but I promise you in time when you take enough wrong turns yoruself you will start to know that everyone is in this maze with you just trying to find their way out. Maybe you get mad easy, maybe you are selfish, maybe you are fearful, what ever you are is what makes your search a bit different from everyone else's. If going to church makes you feel less afraid and more secure then maybe that is your path. If releasing anger and frustration is your path then maybe some yoga or sound therapy is your chosen direction. I think you get the idea. We all are in need of different things for different reasons and no one has the right to tell you that just because something has worked for them now it is for you. I believe the real destination is allowing. Letting people be who they are and to make decsions based on that reality. It's fine to share a good book, and insight, or an idea, but it is wrong to try to influence someone and not allow them to make choices for themselves based on what we may have been taught. Often times some of the most upsetting and negative feelings one has is when someone tries to force their beliefs onto them. Many religions unfortunately have a reputaion of doing just this. Love is a natural thing that we have all experienced to some degree. It is something that evolves and it can't be forced. Your spiritual path is much the same. It is a falling into, an understanding of, a growing and expanding gift that over time becomes part of you.