The Start Of The Journey
By Mountain Myst
Published on 10/5/2009
In the immortal words of Plato: "you cannot conceive of the many without the one."


In the immortal words of Plato: " you cannot conceive of the many without the one." So here it is, my adventure of blogging begins right here, right now. How does the act of adding yet another blog, another jumble of words and feelings into the ethers of this thing called the interent make a difference? I don't know, but then again why do I need to know? If there is truth in that we are all ONE and all connected, then all I need do is put it out there and let our individual and collective energies come into synergy.We will seek out and find that which our spirit needs and the tangle of internet blogs and websites will not keep our energies from their appointed journey.

And so it is my fellow spiritual travelers that I drop this first pebble into the lake and watch the ripples do what they will do.