How do we begin the fight
By Rob Kerney
Published on 09/19/2009
An intro to the cause of disability rights

Hi everybody my name is Rob. I was born an average child and grew up in a small town in southwestern Indiana. At the age of 4 I was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes. 20 years later I went blind from this disease. I had been led to believe that those individuals who complain about unfairness in life due to differences were lazy and just didn't want to work hard. Now that I have walked miles and miles in their shoes. I know better. 
I have experienced the discrimination that I had heard other minorities speak about. I can not find reliable transportation, substantial employment (with a masters degree), and have been publicly attacked for my beliefs about equal treatment for people with disabilities. While attending a local human relations commission dinner I heard Mary Francis Berry speak about discrimination and injustice in the world. I asked her why the disability rights movement hasn't recieved the same public attention as other movements against injust practices. Her response was that people with disabilities do not have a loud unison voice or a charismatic leader. We must change this if we have any expectation of equalizing the field.
We must stand and unite together with all people as one voice and demand fair and equal treatment from our towns, our states, our country, our governement, and all people. in my next blog entry we will begin constructing the ideas for the LDC.