Plastic-free eating - days 3-5
By Angela Henderson
Published on 09/13/2009
Along with their plastic trays, factory chickens have had their day in this household. Castile soap investigated. A drastic reduction in black dustbin bags after only half a week.

Now on my third attempt at yoghurt, I'm wondering whether to buy a yoghurt maker, come next pay-day.  I'm becoming an expert at cream cheese though, which I thought was going to be the harder of the two!  However, I'll wait and see how this batch turns out (it is currrently sitting in a thermos flask) before making a decision.

Let's get the confessions over with first.  An ecologically sound looking cardboard box duped me into thinking the contents would be also, but inside, the granola bars were wrapped in plastic foil.  Why not waxy paper?  Is this so difficult, I have to ask?

Tomorrow I must take a tupperware box or some-such to the organic farm shop cum fishmonger and buy some meat.  I think they vacuum-pack most of their meat, so it will be interesting to see how flexible they are on that, and whether "health and safety considerations prevent...".
Kieran is feeling deprived, as he hasn't had any meat for at least a week.  Today, he got a chicken out of the freezer, sitting pretty in its plastic tray.  After a few tidbits of information from me about the delights of mass-produced chickens, he didn't seem so keen to eat it though!  (He buys the meat usually, when he does a shop.)  We'll see what happens tomorrow when it's defrosted.

Friends on Facebook have been sharing ideas with me, and one of the things which came up in an exchange of comments was what to do about shampoo.  (The plastic-free week is being extended somewhat into non-food areas.)  A few internet links later, I was discovering that Castile soap is used as a base for making home-brewed shampoo, or simply lathered up and used on the hair 'as is'.  I'll be investigating that when my 'Faith in Nature' shampoo runs out as, while the bottle is recyclable, it is certainly better to not have anything to recycle in the first place.

I'm thoroughly chuffed to see that our kitchen bin is only half-full after over half a week.  Normally we put out two black bags a week, but it looks like we will barely fill one at this rate.  This, and the reduced food bill, are enough to give me a real glowy feeling inside!