*Do You believe in Fatalism*?
By Old Soul
Published on 08/13/2011
Probably there was a good reason for that~

Do you believe in *Fatalism*?Well let me explain what Fatalism is~It is a belief that *Everything  that happens has been predetermined~and  all  people  are powerless to change their  destinies~
  Well  i wouldnt go exactly to that extreme...` and make it so *written on stone*   But i do believe that from the moment that we are conceived    ... there is an agenda set out for us all.  pertaining to when where and how..
  Sometimes ....   you might be heading out for a drive ...and  when you go to get into your car....  you see that you have a *Flat tire*
  I believe that it is   slowing  your journey down   even if for a few minutes  because  it is meant to do that... Probably there was a  good reason for that.    In many other   incidents... it has the same reasoning.....
   But of course  eceryone has thier own beliefs.... and i do respect  thier beliefs  .  only going by what has happened to myself over the years  is... that  is why i do believe the way that i do .