Jewels from a Jewel
By Parsley Sage
Published on 07/27/2009
There are beautiful jewels in the world;like this Being...


at the farmers market
A softness came wandering by
A person
A Heart
A few words exchanged;
Some laughter

A small section of time later
a pink iridescent bag with sparkly things
smiles in tangible form
smiles that would never fade
smiles I could wear every day
It was a pink package of jewelry
a gift
I shall remember the laughter and remember to laugh and smile everytime
I wear or see the sparkling happy necklace and earrings...

Why someone would give the sunshine and happiness and joy and beauty to me?
Can I explain?
I can tell you it petted my heart
and touch is so essential to life Dear Ones

This is why the flowers pop up and delight us out of the ground

What wonderful medicine this gift was to me

How life giving is a smile
and a pink bag of sparkles....

They are out there-those fearies & angels of good

Be One