~A Marvelous act of Kindness~
By Old Soul
Published on 11/5/2010
Talk about *Wisdom * and Kindness~

Talk about   *Wisdom * and Kindness~ Yes ~ it was certainly all there ~~in the article that i read ~about a couple from *Nova Scotia*~
 Apparently they had won a *Lotto* ~  Precisely  an~* 11.2 Million Dollar Jackpot~*Last July.
 It appears that *The wife was undergoing *Treatment for cancer~* And the husband  had simply said.......  ~ that They were only so fortunate to *Still have Each other~  God Bless him~    Folks like that are as rare as *Hens teeth*~ wouldnt you say~
 The  wife had claimed  *What you never had   ~ You never miss*  and that is  so very very true~ I also agree that when she said that*All the money was a Big Headache*   ~  Ive always  agreed  to that statement~
 A person only needs  ~*so much *~  to be happy~And beyond that point the roads  *Could* get~ pretty twisted and rocky~
  It is said that the couple spent a week  ~ working out final details  for the money~ and went on a tour across thier province~which it has been said  in the past.....~ that jobs were scarce~at times~They then*Donated  the money to several *Charities~Hospitals and Churches~
 What could be a better  and wiser   way to disperse such a large sum of money~? And to such a worthwhile cause|....just because  they were able to do it ..
 Yes ... right from the heart  ..  And a wonderful wonderful and kind gesture...
 God Bless the both of them..