Are we really looking after our Environment?
By John Kitsco
Published on 07/27/2009
Sure, we have got to get back to the garden, but to do that, we need clean air and clean water.....


                                Looking After the Environment

Back in 1908, it was President Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt who said:
"We have become great because of the lavish use of our resources...but
the time has come to inquire seriously what will happen when our forests
are gone, when the coal, the iron, the oil and gas are exhausted?"

Fast forward to 2004, the year Robert Kennedy Jr. wrote the book entitled
CRIMES AGAINST NATURE.  Young Kennedy spoke much like Roosevelt
on our fundamental rights to clean air and a healthy environment.

So that begs the question: Why are we so slow to put all the checks and
balances in place. Maybe we really do need to cut fewer trees,  look at
the alternatives for fuel, heating, etc. Wind power (where feasible), maybe
more electric (hybrid) vehicles if our producers can make them more
economical. Or was Kennedy right when he said: ...get rid of the politicians
who are whoring to industry?"

I think we all need to take a closer look at life on this planet...and its
continuity...that puts us all in the big picture. And it can be picture
of many green possibilities...right from what we do in our own
backyard. We want a strong economy? Certainly. We want get back
to the garden? Certainly. But unless that garden is nourished by clean
water and clean air.....bottom line, its our earth. We need to look after it