By John Kitsco
Published on 09/29/2010
Pak-Un is the youngest son of the current leader of North Korea and we can only guess what might be on his agenda....

Is it possible some people have two sets of rules, one for their own home and family and a second set of rules that applies to everyone else?  I have written about Korea previously and as a rule stay out of political issues, but this news item from New York, hidden away in a small corner of my morning newspaper caught my eye. 

Colin Freeman and Philip Sherwell, writing in the Daily Telegraph out of New York, tell us about Pak-Un, enrolled
in a state school in Switzerland but 8000 miles away in Korea
Pak-Un, real name Kim Jong-Un is expected to become the
leader in waiting of North Korea. 

Remember, Kim Jong-il is the tyrant that took over from
Kim Il-sung in 1994. And again the torch is passed along....

Now 27 years old the young Pak Un will have a new toy,
such as the nuclear button. One press of that button and
nuclear weapons head towards South Korea.

Ironic it is that young Pak Un studied at a German speaking
secondary school in Switzerland outside Bern. And now he
shall have authority over the 4th largest armed forces.

We understand Pak Un likes James Bond and Jackie Chan.
What we don't know - what are his intentions in the real