~Summer Comming to An End~
By Old Soul
Published on 08/17/2010
~And we get out of it whatever we put into it ~

Just Looking out of he kitchen window  ~ I see the sure signs of summer  almost ending  ~The Clematis ~  has climbed  im sure as high as it will probably go ~ that is right to the very top of the trellis~    The Sweet Peas as well ~have made thier beautiful appearence~ Why is it ~that just right at the time~ when the flowers are so very beautiful ~ and could not get more full and abundant   ~ that it is time now to end the lovely  show of colours ?~I guess thats Nature  ~   Wow   everywhere you look~ throughout the entire yard~ The nasturtiums are at thier best also with that vivid   bright orange   flower~ that can be seen from a distance showing  off its beauty ~
  The petunias~ always seem to flower that much more ~and quicker at this time ~ Its almost Time to clean up the yard~ and get the pots ready for next spring     to begin another batch of seeds started  ~ for a new show of colours~
 Yes`~ the air is getting a bit cooler  ~` hopefully we will still get treated with some ~*summer like weather*~ just before it all ends~   The tomatoe  plants are all full of fruit  also~and soon can be picked ~~ `` I remember when* mom* used to pick off all her tomatoes~ and wrap them in news print~ and put them ~ in a cardboard box ~and set it under  the bed  ~ We~~ as children ~~found it to be such a~* special treat *~when she would check them~ and see if they have turned colour ~and we could eat them ~   Yes ~they were   good memories  ~   ~Then of course  ~  now with  the ending of summer ~ it means the beginning of work~ for some also  ~ Such as getting ready to make preserves  ~ and such  from the gardens  ~for the cold winter days   ahead~ ~So there is always ~something  else happening  after the end  of summer~besides  children heading back to the classrooms  ~ and cleaning up the yards~   Life is a wonderful circle  ~And we get out of it whatever we put into it  ~