Everyone has a story they want to share
By John Kitsco
Published on 06/9/2010
It was curious. I had just happened to stop into the bakery to look about. Maybe pick up some sugarless Oatmeal cookies...a conversation began with the store lady....


There is something that just seems to pull me into a bakery. Not just the
fresh bread and pies and buns. Just something hard to explain.

Anyways, today was going to be a little special going into the bakery I had
gone into so many times before.  My wife knows that I love to start up a conversation with a stranger.  I guess she is right about that!  Well today
instead of picking up fresh bread and paying for it and leaving, I asked the
store lady - how was life, how is everything going.  A pretty general question.

Her story was sad. She is a thin lady with blonde hair, a little gray interwoven,
and it seems her husband left her when she was five months pregnant. She
nonetheless carried on, gave birth to a healthy child, a son. Over the years
she would scrimp and save. Live humbly, go to the bakery every day and sometimes work as a janitor at night. Long lonely days. Her son grew up.
One day he asked for money, needed it for a car. He was driving and drinking
and in a short period of time got into an accident, the car was demolished. He
continued to ask for money, living at home, not making any contribution, just
wanting more, more more....

One day she sat her grown son down at the table for a mother to son conversation and the only words she spoke - the bank is closed. That meant
no more hand-outs, no more easy street.

That simple statement - the bank is closed- basically set her free, Her life
changed for the better. The son remained lazy and useless. But her own
life moved forward with a positive atitude, a renewed spirit within.

And perhaps that brief conversation in the bakery has conveyed to me, that
Everyone has a story. We only need to ask. We only need to listen.  And just
maybe, if we take the time - we shall learn something about someone else
and in turn they have been allowed to reflect on the shortcomings and the
grand scale that life as to offer, all in one package....just for the asking...