By Angeloflight Godspeed
Published on 05/29/2010
Oh those whimsical ways...

Oh those whimsical ways
On those super hot summer days
I feel your love Lord
Pour over me and enlighten me
Give me courage
And awarness heightening
Take me away from everything
That be so freightening
Putting me in moments of pure trust
These days those moments are scarcer
Afraid alot to let my Soul go so close
To the Lord I am devoted to forever
He keeps imparting knowledge to guide my way
At times the knowledge is too heavy to say
Oh how I wish life were simpler
How I wish the time was spent creating
Somehow in these days of wasted time
We have to find our way to the Promises Divine
And when times are real tough
Remind yourselves that you are a Child of God
And you do deserve a Happy Ending and TRUE Love
Angeloflight   + + +