~What would *You* do If you were the Big lottery Winner?~
By Old Soul
Published on 05/5/2010
Would you still appreciate all the things that you already have and the people that love you?

~I noticed ~that in the early news    ~ The have finally found out who is the large~* Fourty Million Dollar *winner is~  **Wow**
   What would you do if it were you ? My gosh  ~ I think my heart might stop and that would be the end  ~My estate would be  fighting for it~Now ~in all seriousness~  I wonder  how a normal person living a comfortable life ~and living  all the right values of life   ~ If that would all change?
 Would you still appreciate  all the things that   you already have and the people that love you?
   Would  you keep the job that you have and the same  friends as well ?   Would you dress different and shop in better and places that were more expensive?
Or~ maybe you would ....   look around  and give money to the charities  that are in dire need  ~Or even the Childrens Hospital~You life would  take an absolute  turnover  ~ Now whether  it be for the good ot not so good~~ would be the decisions that you would make at the time~
The Fact  remains....   ~   if we have our health and and freedom~ we have won a lottery   already~