~Afghanistan~Our Worry~and Anticipation~
By Old Soul
Published on 05/1/2010
When the day arrived i knew it wasnt going to be an easy ~ but we knew that he was going for all the right reasons~

A little more than a year ago~we received word  that our grandson was  going to Afghanistan on a tour of duty~  My heart raced  and my mind went in circles~I have been hearing of all the young men  and women~being deployed ~  Some returning home safely and others not so fortunate~
 When the day arrived i knew it wasnt going to be an easy ~ but we knew that  he was going for all the  right reasons~
 Every morning  we  would  listen to the news intently~We worried the entire time he was gone and waited in anguish for a phone call or maybe an email~He did call a few times only to be cut off or disconnected when conditions werent good and that would be usually in the middle of a conversation~Not knowing if he was alright and what was happening~
  I would then lay awake all night long wondering what he was going to say next and if we were going to hear his precious voice again~
 Of course we worried~ Because between 2002   up to date ~~I think there were about 142 Canadians  killed~ during tour of duty~That was the  largest   single loss  of  canadians  during a mission ~~since the 1950's   ~during the Korean War~which we lost  over 500 young troops~
 The entire process of war is so frustrating  ~because   along side ~of the usless and dreadful loss of lives  ~ ` of all those young soldiers~there is no achievemeent and i truly doubt if it will ever really get any better  if not worse~
 With all those young people~~~who were so brave ~~to go and fight for  for changes~ and make the world better ~My heart goes out to their families~ and i thank God for bringing back the ones that returned home safely~